We’re Proud to be a Pharmacist Led Organisation

We understand that the success of our services is down to the people leading and delivering them, so our collective passion for driving the roles of pharmacists in GP is imperative the, we’d love to chat to you to understand how we can help if you have a project in mind.

Meet Our Founders

Amz Khela MRPharmS


Amz is a pharmacist with experience in a range of operational roles, spanning leadership of pharmacy teams in primary and secondary care. Amz started her career in community pharmacy moving into managerial and regional roles with a National pharmacy chain, holding a post in learning and development before leading the operation of Outpatient Pharmacy Teams across the North of England. Leading our Senior Pharmacists, Amz is passionate about providing a service that is detail focused and pushes the role of our pharmacists in GP.

Ryan Smith MPharm MBA


Ryan started life as a pharmacist in GP before moving into a CCG team to deliver Medicines Optimisation programs in his local County Durham area. Following his time at the CCG Ryan held senior management roles with a National Pharmacy chain where he worked across primary and secondary care, before returning to a PCN role in GP part-time alongside his Clinical Director role. Ryan also serves as Clinical Director of our sister company MORPh Clinical Services.

See what our customers have to say about working with us!

“The specialist support, skills and knowledge that TPN brings into the PCN is in excess of what we could deliver internally, and removes a huge demand on the lead GPs.”

PCN Manager

The team are supported with additional learning and advice beyond the standard I see in neighbouring PCNs. Appraisals, development, embedding good practice all provided. Team meetings and 1-2-1’s are hugely beneficial. 

Practice Manager